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ISTE Standard 4c
Intro. To Technology
Weebly Blog

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ISTE Standard 4c

Introduction to Technology Weebly Blog

       In the fall of 2014 I took Introduction to Educational Technology (EDTS 523). During this class we had to create a blog and post weekly blogs about a variety of topics. I chose to create a website using Weebly, and used Weebly to host not only my EDTS 523 blog, but to also host my blogs for EDTS 560 Applications in Technology, and EDTS 650 Access and Diverse Learners. The purpose of the assignment for Intro. to Educational Technology was to demonstrate an ability to discuss various educational technology topics through the use of weekly blogs, and to engage in discussion with peers and colleagues through blogging. This assignment met ISTE Standard 4c (Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility), which states; "teachers will promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information." I was able to meet this standard because through blogging and responding to other blogs as well as to comments on my own blog I had to model professionalism and digital etiquette.

Developed by Jacqueline Nielsen